
100_5654September 23, 2006

One of Russia’s oldest cities, Yaroslavl was founded by Yaroslavl the Wise in 1010. Yaroslavl situated on both sides of the Volga River was an important trading port. Today Yaroslavl is an important industrial center.

In the Baltics as well as in Russia we have seen a lot of wedding couples in almost every city. Every tour guide has commented on very high divorce rates. In Russia, when a couple wants to wed, they register at places where the civil ceremonies are performed. Weddings do not take places in churches and religious weddings are not recognized by the government. After filling out the application they are given a time it will be performed. You don’t get to choose the day or even the time of day. After the wedding party usually drives around the city and has pictures taken in popular spots which are usually the same spots the tourists are visiting. Along the way we have heard various stories about performing some act (such as ringing a bell or throwing a coin into a fountain) which will help make their love strong

In the Baltics as well as in Russia we have seen a lot of wedding couples in almost every city. Every tour guide has commented on very high divorce rates. In Russia, when a couple wants to wed, they register at places where the civil ceremonies are performed. Weddings do not take places in churches and religious weddings are not recognized by the government. After filling out the application they are given a time it will be performed. You don’t get to choose the day or even the time of day. After the wedding party usually drives around the city and has pictures taken in popular spots which are usually the same spots the tourists are visiting. Along the way we have heard various stories about performing some act (such as ringing a bell or throwing a coin into a fountain) which will help make their love strong

Categories: Baltics and Russia, Russia | Leave a comment

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