
June 28th, 2015

I wish I had more pictures for the day but I twisted my back somehow.  I woke up fine but a few hours later, I could barely walk.  I thought walking would help loosen it up but it didn’t.  I was fine when I wasn’t moving, but was in severe pain when I stood or walked.  I so wanted to go out and see Hyderabad but it wasn’t going to happen that day.

At least I had a good lunch.  I think Ohri’s was the model for the Rain-forest Cafe minus the gorillas, and thunderstorms.  I am not going to try to describe the food and simply say, I ate a lot of it.  We started with Kebabs and was told that there was more coming.  I am not a dessert person but somehow one showed up for me (they don’t take no for an answer when it comes to food) and it was delicious.  I joked about it looking like butter and it was smooth and creamy like butter.

Unfortunately, I had to be dropped off at the hotel.  I was in a lot of pain and could barely walk.  James and Bill, my coworkers were very helpful but I insisted the drop me and go on to see Hyderabad.  I didn’t want to ruin their day!

I was again impressed by the level of service the hotel provided.  The driver mentioned a few words to doorman and the next thing I knew, there were people there to help get from the car to the my room, they called a doctor and after after I saw the Doctor, they picked up the medication I needed and checked back on me.  I was very appreciative of their help.  At least I got to catch up on work as well as my blog.


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