The Lone Cypress
Sunday, June 26, 2016
After arriving Monterey, we found a place to have lunch and afterwards, we checked into our hotel and changed our clothes, shorts and polo shirts were too cold. Paso Robles was close to 100 F when we left. Monterey was foggy and 58 F degrees. It never ceases to amaze me on how in California, a short drive and the climate feels completely different.
We set out to explore and we happened upon the 17-Mile Drive, a scenic drive through Pebble Beach and the Pacific Grove on the Monterey Peninsula. I was somewhat confused that after paying to what I thought was to California Park services, an entry fee, but when I got beyond the gates, it was private (and gated) residences and private golf course. I began to wonder if I had actually paid a fee to the state of California or if this was all private.
The drive circled around the peninsula with various stops to get out and take pictures. It was well worth the $10.00 fee but there was fog and clouds, less than optimal conditions for picture taking.
I spotted the Lone Cypress tree, a tree perched on top of a rock overlooking the sea. My older sister painted that tree back when she was in high school. Our parents proudly hung that painting in our living room where it was etched into my memory. I immediately sent a photo of it to my sister. She denied knowing where that painting is but I have a feeling she might know.
Beautiful, Jim. We were there many years ago and it brings back great memories!
I actually stayed for a week up in that area many years ago when the girls were just babies and it was beautiful! I love to see your travels and maybe one day….i’ll join you! we would pick up right where we left off and have a great time!