Bruce Munro: Field of Light at Sensorio

December 5, 2019

Drove up to Paso Robles to the Field of Light at Sensorio.  If I drive up north, Paso Robles is a place that I usually stop.  It is wine country with rolling hills filled with vineyards and tasting rooms.  It reminds of Napa Valley before it became popular and overrun with wine tours and visitors.

The Field of Light at Sensorio is a 15 acre piece of art featuring over 58,000 lights that walk through.   We arrived when the exhibit first opened hoping to see it while there was still some light as it progressed into darkness.  As we stood in line waiting to get into the exhibit, we chatted with the other people in line.  The guy in front of us had a SLR with real film.  The girl behind us said that one of her first jobs was working in a Fotomat and yes, she did  look at all the pictures and talked about them with the other employees.  Yes, times have changed.

The event was very nice and we enjoyed walking around it.  It was due to close in January but I noticed that they keep extending it and the website is now reporting it will be open until June.  If I am in the area again, I would go see it.

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