Lake Louise to Kamloops

May 19th, 2024

We boarded the Rocky Mountaineer and set out to Kamloops.  It was another day of taking in the sights while eating and drinking.   There were beautiful lakes, rivers, waterfalls and wildlife.  Whenever there anyone spotted wildlife, they would call it out.   We saw a lot of eagles and long horn sheep.

When we first sat down, I thought we lucked out, our seats were right in front.  After a few hours, I realized that we weren’t so lucky.  There was a travel group towards the back who kept coming up to the front and crowding around the front windows to get their pictures.

We went through Kicking Horse and the spiral Tunnels.   The original track had a grade of 4.5% and the first train to attempt the “Big Hill” derailed.  The solution was to build spiral tunnels after a system used in Switzerland.  Although it was an interesting experience, major portions of the spirals were underground.  The attendants would ask, “which way do you think we were turning?” and none of us had a clue!


Categories: Canada, Lake Louise | Leave a comment

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