Yoho National Park – Emerald Lake

September 23rd, 2024

After hiking to the falls we stopped at Emerald Lake.   There isn’t any doubt as to why the lake is called Emerald Lake.  The lake’s color comes from the melting glaciers. When we visited a glacier field earlier in the year, the guide explained how glaciers move and as they do, the create a fine rock flour and as glaciers melt, it gives rivers and lakes an emerald color.

We hiked up the hill where the lodge was and then we hiked back down and around to the other side of the lake. This was an impressive place to see.  As with other places, I noted that there were a lot of people who were obsessed with taking their selfies and pictures for the Instagram.  I found myself wondering do they ever take a minute and appreciate what they are looking at.   I finally gave in a snapped a selfie before we headed



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