Kauai 2025 – Na Pali Sunset Sale

Na Pali Coast

Feb 21, 2025

This has to be the highlight of the trip as well as one of my top travel highlights of all time.  The Na Pali Coast sits on the Northwest side of the Island of Kauai and unless you are a hiker, it can only be access by sea or air.   Over the years, I have booked a lot of sails to the Na Pali coast only to have them cancelled due to unpredictable weather.

The Na Poli Coast has been featured in many films and immediately recognizable.   If you have seen Jurassic Park, Tropic Thunder, King Kong, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Pirates of the Caribbean or Six Days, Seven Nights you have seen the Na Pali Coast.   I doubt there are any Hawaii themed calendars without a picture of the Na Pali coast.

I booked my trip with Captain Andy’s. They had a lot of great online reviews, and I wasn’t disappointed.  Traffic on the Island can be unpredictable.  We arrived in Port Allen a bit early.   We checked in and hung out until it was time to board the double catamaran.

We set out and although there was a fair number of people on the boat, it didn’t feel crowded or is if we were jockeying for good picture taking positions. The captain commented that this was whale migration season and we should see a lot of marine life.   He also said that we were lucky, in the winter, waves can reach 30-40 feet, we had almost perfect weather conditions.

Along the way, we saw a pod of dolphins and a couple of whales.   Refreshments were served followed by appetizers.   We arrived as the sun began to set.  I was in awe and kept thinking, the pictures are never going to do it justice.

As we headed back, we went down below to eat dinner; it was difficult trying to stand and hold on while taking pictures – there was no way I was going to try to eat while standing up on a boat.

It was dark when we arrived at Port Allen and as we walked to the car, I thought that I would this again on my next trip!

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