
Jasper, Canada

May 15th, 2024

We checked into the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge which sit on Lac Beauvert, a lake surrounded by pine trees with snowcapped mountains in the background. As we entered the park, we spotted Mule Deer and Elk and were once again reminded to keep our distance.

The setting reminded me of summer camp with a main lodge surrounded by cabins but obviously, a bit more upscale with spas and find dining.   There were plenty of outdoor activities from hiking to kayaking on the lake.

At one point, I joked about how this felt like Crystal Lake from “Friday the 13th” and that the main lodge felt a little bit like “The Shinning”.  The place also reminded me of the lodge’s in the Catskill Mountains where they filmed “Dirty Dancing” as well as a few episodes of “Mrs. Maisel”

After we checked in, we walked around the property for a bit, took some pictures.  There were plenty of ground hogs everywhere, I had no idea groundhogs looked so much like squirrels .   We also noticed that the trash receptacles were bear proof.  I would not want to run into a bear! Continue reading

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Rocky Mountaineer Kamloops to Jasper

May 15th, 2024 – Another wonderful day on the Rocky Mountaineer from Kamloops to Jasper! 

As we left for the train station, a man from the back of the bus came running up to the driver and guide to tell them that his wife was not on the bus. The bus stopped and let the guide out who ran back to the hotel while the bus circled around the block.  I immediately thought that when it comes to group tours, there is always someone who is late.  It turned out, she was on time, she simply got on the wrong bus and was safely headed to the train.  We ended up sitting with that same couple at lunch, they are from Oxford, and both very nice people.

The glass domed cars are great but pictures can end up with glare or reflection off of the glass.   One the lower level, next to the dining area, there is an open air section which is great for taking pictures or to go outside and for fresh air.  I was regularly looking for the mile markers along the side of the track and marking the times on the map so that I had an idea when the next point of interest might be so that I could be downstairs to take pictures.  I wasn’t the only one doing that and began to notice that if you didn’t get their early or if they made an announcement, you may not get a good spot!

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Rocky Mountaineer – Vancouver to Kamloops

May 14th, 2024

In the morning, we boarded the bus and headed to the Rocky Mountaineer train station where they had coffee and tea for us until we boarded the train.  They even had a bag pipe player.  I was surprised at the number of cars on the train and the number of people going on the trip  Clearly, the operation in Canada was at least two or three times larger than the ones in the states.

We were travelling Gold Leaf, which meant we were in a double decker car with our dining service on the lower level and a domed seating area on the top level.   We found our assigned seats and settled in!

The staff enthusiastically introduced themselves and began to cover the obligatory safety rules followed by what to expect and how there would be two seatings for each meal along with how to use the printed map and mile markers to know where we were.  The staff was extremely friendly and set the tone; this was not about the destination but about the journey which was to be enjoyed.

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The Digital Orca

Digital Orca

Monday, May 13, 2024

Off to Vancouver to start our Rocky Mountaineer trip through the Canadian Rockies.  Although it was a midday flight, it is considered an international flight, we needed to be at the airport three hours early and LAX is typically busy on Monday morning’s.  It was an early morning!

While getting ready to leave, I turned on the news.  They were paying tribute to Sam Rubin, a well respected entertainment report on KTLA who had passed away a few days before.  He was 64, just a few years older than me. Whenever I take a trip, I find myself thinking that it isn’t the right time, this was a reminder that none of us know how much time we have left and we shouldn’t put off the things that we want to do.

We had done a Rocky Mountaineer tour in the US the year before, and we really enjoyed it.  I was looking forward to this one, I had been to Vancouver but I hadn’t been to Kamloops, Jasper, and Lake Louise which were places we would be stopping at.  This being May, we would avoid the summer crowds but we would still get to see some snow in the higher altitudes.

The three hour  flight from Los Angeles to Vancouver was uneventful.  I noticed there was a guy across the aisle from me working on a script. Vancouver has been called Hollywood North because of the amount of filming that has moved there.  I wondered if he was trying to pitch the script or if he was a working writer.

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