The Aloupka Palace was the summer residence for Count Mikhail Vorontsov, who was Governor-General of the Novorossiisky Territory (Southern Russia). It was designed by the same architect who designed the exterior of Buckingham Palace.
The palace was built-in 1828 and took 23 years to build. Inside, the palace is Tudor style but the outside is a mix of various styles.
Churchill stayed at the Palace during the Yalta Conference. He had an interesting relationship with Stalin and was forever playing with him. When asked what he thought of the one room, Churchill said, “It is very nice but I think it would be better if there was an aquarium.” The next day there was an aquarium in the room. Churchill says, “Very nice, but now it just needs a lemon tree.”
At one point Churchill indicated that Yalta was very beautiful but it reminded him of a graveyard because of all the cypress trees. Since the time of the Greeks, the cypress trees have represented mourning and grief. Stalin had all the cypress trees cut down. Continue reading
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