
Singapore – August 2nd

IMG_1025August 2, 2010

The weather today was sunny and clear – of course, I had to work.

After work, I went to dinner with Foo-Leong who took me to Jumbo Seafood on the East Coast to try more Singaporean favorites.  I have done well with my list of foods to try but there were still more new things to try that sounded delicious.

I was also going to try the Durian fruit – also known as the stinky fruit.  I have heard a lot about this fruit and on the Internet, I found some interesting but funny stories about it.  I wanted to see and try this myself.  It might be an acquired tasted but they really enjoy it in Singapore.

At the Jumbo Seafood restaurant, my co-worker and I ordered a variety of food that was delivered to the table one by one.  It was all very good. I have to say my favorites were the Fried Prawns with Cereal along with the Chili Crab (and the buns to dip in the sauce).  I have never been a large fan of Crab – it is a lot of work and it is messy. Despite the work and mess, I wouldn’t think twice about ordering it again. It was a little spicier than the Chili Crab I had the day before which made it even better. Continue reading

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Singapore – August 1st

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Singapore – August 1st – The Botanical Gardens

IMG_0960August 1st, 2010

Finally, a day off!  I was up early and touring Singapore, unfortunately, it rained the entire day.  It didn’t slow me down at all.  I was going to be able to finally take pictures of other things besides building and the Marina Sands Skypark.

Fist stop – the Singapore Botanical Gardens which reminded me of a tropical version of the Huntington Gardens.  I could have spent the entire day there hiking through while enjoying the tropical rainforest.

One of Singapore’s exports is orchids, generating over 13 million US dollars per year.  Or course the Botanical Gardens has a National Orchid Garden.

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Singapore – July 31st

IMG_0880July 31st, 2010

National Day in Singapore is August 9th.  Leading up to it are preview days where they rehearse the parades, Military exercises and fireworks.  I wouldn’t have known this if it weren’t for the people in the office and someone forwarding me the information around street closures.

After doing a little research on the Internet, I learned that National Day is Singapore’s independence day and will be turning 45 this year.  It obtained independence from Britain in 1965.  I had no idea the country was so young.

I decided that I was going to hang out at the Marina where the fireworks would be.  There was a nice breeze blowing and it wasn’t too hot.  People watching was great!  High school bands were scurrying through with instruments to get where they were supposed to be for their performance.  Tours came through along with groups of families in friends, trying to figure out where the best viewing spot would be for the fireworks.  I just enjoyed watching the diversity of the people who live here in the country.

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Singapore – July 30th

July 30, 2010

After getting done with work, I went over to the Marina Sands Skypark Hotel and Casino.  Along the way I took some pictures of the skyline.  Singapore is a beautiful city.

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Singapore – July 29th

July 29, 2010

Another day of work, but I had a good nights sleep so I didn’t feel like I was struggling through the day.  It is really great to meet face to face the people you have been listening to on conference calls.  There is also something to be said for walking down the hall and asking a question instead of sending an email. Continue reading

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Singapore – July 28th

July 28th, 2010

My first day in the Singapore Office – the views from the office were stunning.  My visitor office as well as the main lobby entrance looks over the Skypark buildings and convention centers.  Further out you can see the ships coming in and out of the port.

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Singapore – July 27th

July 27th, 2010

After calling into a few meetings and catching up on email, I headed out for a late afternoon walk to help keep me awake.   I didn’t want to fall asleep only to wake up at 1:00 AM with nowhere to go.

Singapore is close to the equator, there isn’t a lot of temperature variation.  July is supposed to be one of the driest months but when I looked at the forecast, it was supposed to rain everyday.  At least it wasn’t supposed to rain the entire day and by the time I made it out for a walk, the sun shone bright.

My first impression of Singapore was “What a skyline!”  Each building seems to have character.  Everything looks pretty new and construction seems to be going on everywhere.  I wonder what Singapore will look like in 20 years?

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Singapore 2010

Singapore_flagJuly 25th, 2010

Singapore Airlines – Flight q38 and all business class flight.  I heard Singapore Airlines was good and I wasn’t disappointed.  Flying 8000 miles, or 17 hours, a private video screen with hundreds of movies and TV Shows.  USB Ports, electrical outlet, iPod hookup, good food, and great wine and  a seat that would recline to a fully flat position.  I could get used to this!

I arrived at 4:15 AM.  Customs went quickly and it was a quick ride from the airport to the Ascott Raffles, the place am staying. The Ascott Raffles is a nice residence, built-in refrigerators, coffee/tea pots, and a stove top.  The only thing kind of strange is the bathroom, there was a huge window that looks into the shower area from the bedroom.  There is a curtain you can pull over it but I wondered why you wouldn’t just cover it up or put in frosted glass? Who knows.

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Moscow Cows

September 26, 2006

While I walked around the city I saw some Cows. The story behind this goes back to when I visited Europe and my co-workers and I made it a point to try to find as many decorative “cows on parade” that we could.

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