
Kauai – Waimea

Waimea Canyon

October 29th, 2017

We arrived at Waimea Canyon late afternoon.   Although it is said that Mark Twain named it the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, Mark Twain never set foot on Kauai.  It is not nearly as deep or long as the real Grand Canyon, but it is just as impressive to see.  Of all the things I thought I might see and find in Hawaii, this was never on the list.   We tried stopping at Kalalau lookout and I was disappointed, the fog made it impossible to see more than five feet.  I pulled out my cell phone and showed Sophon a picture of what we could not see.  Overall, we lucked out with the weather, there was only one thing we didn’t get to see.   On the way back, we stopped to admire the red dirt.   I wonder if Mars looks like this.




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Kauai – Poipu

October 29th, 2017

After Fern Grotto, it was a drive through the tree tunnel as we headed to Poipu.  I was glad to see that the tunnel was still there.  This densely green corridor is fun to drive through and pictures do not do it justice.   We stopped at Spouting horn for a few pictures, ate lunch and then headed on to our next stop – The Kauai Coffee Company.  Located on the coffee plantation, the Kauai Coffee Company offers tastings along with tours of the plantations. It was a fun stop

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Kauai – Breakfast and the Fern Grotto

October 29, 2017

Had breakfast at the Kountry Style Kitchen in Kapaa and loved it.   Sophon got the Loco Moco which is traditional Hawaiian breakfast with eggs, rice, a beef patty topped with gravy.  I had eggs Benedict.   Not exactly a healthy way to start the day but it was good.  It was a great breakfast place and I loved it when they delivered the check in a SPAM can.

I had pulled up the weather on the Internet and had watched the morning news and everything said rain.  I was so glad that the weatherman were wrong, we headed out to see Fern Grotto.  We first stopped at a Wailua overlook and then Opeaka falls before heading to catch our tour to the Fern Grotto.

As I drove around,  I found myself thinking about memory and how strange it can be, there are things I remember in great detail and then there are gaps.  I remember being here with my parents decades ago, I remember waiting at the front of the line to board our boat, I remember my mom commenting on how the concept of queuing in line is not universals and varies across the different cultures.   She also commented on how some cultures are pushier than others.  I remember that level of detail yet I could not remember what the boat looked like or if there were entertainers on the boat like there was this morning.  I guess that is one reason I tend to write about my trips. Continue reading

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Kauai – My favorite Island!

October 28th, 2017

Sophon and I left on an early flight to Lihue and got there by noon.  I was a bit surprised at how empty the plane was.  I am used to seeing standby lists and offers to give up my seat for a later flight.  Everyone had their own row and there were empty rows.  You don’t see that very often.  I asked the flight attendant about it and she said that the weeks leading up to the holidays were the best times to go to vacation destinations – people were not travelling in anticipation of holiday travel!

Kauai was and always will be a special place for me.   The first time I was in Kauai was when I was installing system for Computerized Lodging Systems (CLS).  I spent 8 weeks working for Aston going back and forth between Kauai and Maui working on Property Management Systems (PMS).  How could life be any better?   Caught in a traffic jam between Lihue and Poipu?  I should be so lucky, I can think of worst things to deal with. Continue reading

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